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Fashion transcends borders and languages. Scrybs’ professional translators  understand the fashion industry and can give your brand the local touch

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Reasons for a Professional Fashion Translation

When one usually thinks of the fashion industry, images of catwalks in New York, Milan and Paris are usually pictured. However, most of global growth in fashion today is coming from emerging markets. In fact, a

report by McKinsey & Company claims that in 2025, 55% of all mid-market apparel sales will come from emerging markets. Similarly, as emerging consumers begin to travel more, their purchases outside of their home countries are expected to grow as well. For example, by 2020, 75% of luxury good sales are expected to be by Chinese consumers with at least half of these sales being outside of China. Therefore, if you want to be able to exploit this growth, a professional fashion translation is essential. Tapping this growth requires a multifaceted approach to your brand’s localization strategy. The fashion industry is very particular. There are a number of different stakeholders involved in the process. For example, there are your re-sellers, the media and your end consumers. Therefore, an understanding of the the local fashion scene and the manner in which material should be adapted for each player is key. Scryb’s fashion translators have either worked in the industry before or have studied it in depth. They have the knowledge to localize product descriptions as well as the skill to craft your brand’s image so that it bests suits your targets.


Our fashion translation services cover the following material

Product Descriptions

When it comes to explaining the good on offer, correctly translated product descriptions are pivotal to a sale. This includes not just the translated language but also the localized message. For example, adapting units of measurement and pricing conventions. Scrybs' fashion translators can help craft your description to a tee.

Websites and SEO

Your brand's website is a great outlet to sell your product in international markets. Optimizing your website for local serach engine rankings is hence a major key to reaching these consumers. Scrybs fashion translators can work in conjunction with our SEO experts to best position your website.

Blog Posts

Whether you are a brand trying to drive engagement or a blogger trying to get your posts out, fashion blogs are key to these ends. Our fashion translators are well suited to adapt these posts to serve the needs of a global audience.

Magazine Articles

Everyone knows the power of an article for your brand in a reputable fashion magazine. Having the message in the article tuned for the target audience is essential. We will craft the article such that is speaks to your buyers on a local level.

Globalize your brand now! There are a few ways to send us your fashion translation

Word or Powerpoint

You can upload your articles, blogs or brand presentation documents directly. Our fashion translators will create a new document with the adapted material in the same format.

Als pdf of afbeelding

If you have a magazine article or product catalouge that is a PDF or image scan, we accept this as well. Please estimate the word count in the document and input it with your order details.

Met behulp van onze webcontenttools

If translating web content our innovative API and WordPress plug-in are the solution for you. Alternatively you could also send us your source code in HTML or XML.

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