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Translators money


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Scrybs translator.
At this time, we are not accepting applications.
We are making some exciting changes.
Please check back at a later date.

How to become a Scrybs translator?

1 Sign up

Submit your personal details, language skills and expertise through 
our simple registration process.

2 Pass translation tests

Our potential translators are required to pass a test for each one of their language pairs.

3 Translator Jobs

You will receive translation jobs and correspondence by email, our RSS feed or on your Scrybs dashboard.

Start Translating Now!



Why work with Scrybs?


Best Translation Commmission

Best Commission


Enjoy some of the highest commissions in the industry
(up to 11¢ per word).

Convenient Translation



Work from anywhere whenever you feel like it. All you need is a computer
and internet connection to receive jobs.

Translator happy

Hassle Free

Scrybs effectively
 apportions requests and deals with client queries
leaving you 
to focus on the task at hand.

Quick Payment of Fees

Quick Payment

You can withdraw your commission at any time using Paypal
(with a minimum balance of $30).

Diversified Project Options

Diversified Projects

Given our diversified global client base, 
you can choose projects
which personally interest you.

Translator Promotional Oppurtunities


Scrybs allows you the opportunity to increase your commission via
positive reviews and advanced 


Frequently Asked Questions

Why become a Scrybs approved translator?

Scrybs is one of the most innovative and user friendly website for translators. Our goal is to place the power of the translation task back in the hands of our translators. You will be guaranteed a steady stream of translation work. Similarly, our reach is extremely expansive. We have a number of important client relationships with large corporates and thousands of individuals. We also only strive for the best quality translations. Hence, we take a great effort to select the best independent translators for the job. Join Scrybs and your translation skills will become globalised!

What type of translators do you accept?

We accept applications from translators in varying subject fields. We also allow generalist native speakers to apply. However, all potential translators are required to complete tests that we have designed to assess your ability.

How much do I get paid?

Your fee will be clearly visible for each translation job on offer. The price per word varies according to the customers selection of quality. More qualified translators can command a higher minimum price per word.

How will I receive translation Jobs?

All of the requests will be updated in our translator management system. The list of potential jobs that you may accept will be visible in your translator dashboard. You will also receive new translation alerts by email or through our RSS feed when a request with matching criteria is posted.

How do I get paid?

At the moment, you need a Paypal account to withdraw your funds, but direct payment will be available soon.

How will I be graded?

There are two methods that we use to determine the quality of your work. These are internal and external ratings systems. Internally, we use a proprietary quality control algorithm which randomly reviews submissions. Externally, our customers are encouraged to grade the quality of a translation. We understand that this sometimes comes down to individual customer subjectivity. If a translator consistently gets bad reviews, however, we will have to assess their viability of translating for Scrybs.

What career advancement opportunities do I have?

Scrybs strives to reward translators who complete jobs with high quality on a consistent basis. Hence, we provide all translators the opportunity to increase their translation level. For example, we provide the opportunity for standard translators to advance to the professional level if they have maintained a good quality standard for over 2 years.

How long do I have to complete a Job?

We aim to return a translation job within a reasonable time-frame. This is calculated based on our experience of the time required to complete similar jobs. Please only accept a job that you are certain of completing within this time-frame.

What happens if the translation is running over time and I may not meet the deadline?

If you are running late and won’t be able to deliver within the deadline, please cancel the order. Jobs that are still outstanding at the time of the deadline will be allocated to another translator.

What happens if a customer is not happy with my translation?

Once an order is completed, the customer has the option to request a correction. You will have a chance to review and correct the translation. In situations when you feel the client is being unreasonable, we send the job to a conflict resolution manager to assess.